New York, NY
Matt, 20, is an EMC performer based out of NYC, who attended Wagner College, graduating in 2018 with a B.A. in Theatre Performance. He played
the role of Jerry Allison (drums) at Highlands Playhouse (Highlands, NC) in their
record-breaking production of Buddy in June 2019. Matt also plays electric
bass, guitar, piano, and saxophone all to a performance-ready standard.
5’10” - Baritenor (G2-Bb4)
Matt says of the Highlands Playhouse production (pictured below, with Matt on drums): “It was an absolute blast and I would love to revisit
this music!”
AMERICAN IDIOT Will (Guitar), Smithtown Performing Arts / Dir. Tommy Ranieri
ALWAYS… PATSY CLINE Pit Musician (Drummer), Highlands Playhouse / Dir. Sarah Klocke
BUDDY – THE BUDDY HOLLY STORY Jerry Allison (Drummer), Highlands Playhouse / Dir. Marshall Carby
OKLAHOMA! Featured Dancer/Guitar, Highlands Playhouse / Dir. Bill Patti
FROM HERE TO ETERNITY (NYC Developmental Lab) Private Byrd, Finger Lakes Musical Theatre / Dir. Brett Smock
WHITE CHRISTMAS Mike/Ens. (Dance Capt.), Smithtown Performing Arts / Dir. Ronald Green III
WE WILL ROCK YOU Ensemble/Swing, Smithtown Performing Arts / Dir. Tim Golebiewski
ALL SHOOK UP Ensemble, Hackmatack Playhouse / Dir. Allison Mosier Sheff
HAIRSPRAY Fender (Dance Capt.), Smithtown Performing Arts / Dir. Jordan Hue
SPELLING BEE William Barfee, Wagner College CSP / Dir. Nick Durst
TO GILLIAN ON HER 37th BIRTHDAY David, Wagner College CSP / Dir. Amy Nicefaro
1776 Edward Rutledge, Wagner College Theatre / Dir. Mickey Tennenbaum
A CHORUS LINE Tom (Al/Don u/s), Wagner College Theatre / Dir. Michelle Pawk
TRAINING: Wagner College (B.A. in Theatre Performance)
Acting/Scene Study - Theresa McCarthy, Susan Fenley, Michele Pawk, Amy Williams, Wendy Bobbitt Cavett
Voice/Speech - Anthony Turner, Wendy Bobbitt Cavett, David McDonald, Joan Melton
Dance - Mary Six-Rupert (Tap), Maggie Marino (Musical Theatre, Hip Hop), John Scacchetti (Tap), Matt Lopez
(Hip Hop), Patrick Heffernan (Jazz, Musical Theatre Tap), Joe Palmer (Partnering), Rusty Curcio (Ballet)
Movement - Rusty Curcio (Laban), Carlos García Estévez (Lecoq), Ashley Burger (Laban)
Extensive Acapella Experience, Music Directing, Dramatically de-ages with a shaved face, Sight Singing,
Partnering, Instrumentalist (Piano, Guitar, Drums, Bass, Saxophone, Violin), Walking in heel
Contact: (631) 560-9239