“…a fun and energetic night of entertainment… Kyle Jurassic plays Holly with a sense of confidence and independence. Jurassic's impressive guitar licks really help enhance the transformation. His lanky frame and thick glasses highlight the fact that this was a musician who became a star based on his talents, not necessarily his looks. Instead, Holly's distinct appearance emphasizes the fact that he was a free-spirit, refusing to bow to 1950s conformity.
“Jonah M. Martin and Ben Hill play Joe Mauldin and Jerry Allison, respectively… They are excellent musicians and do a great job conveying a sense of playfulness and energy. It was interesting to see their personalities evolve from local Texas boys to national celebrities…
“The immediacy of Jurassic and friends playing their instruments on stage brings raw energy and vitality to the theater. Audience toe-tapping evolved into full-fledged dancing in the aisles by the end of the show. Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story is a great celebration of the one of rock 'n roll's true pioneers.”
- Rich Mehrenberg,

Buddy Holly (Kyle Jurassic), Bass (Jonah Martin), Drums (Ben Hill) and Guitar (Isaac Haas).
Pics: Richard Hertzler
“Buddy - The Buddy Holly Story, which opened Thursday at Dutch Apple Dinner Theatre, does a fine job presenting Holly’s iconic music, thanks to a terrific performance by Kyle Jurassic, who plays a mean guitar and slips easily into Holly’s persona… Director Todd Meredith guides Jurassic through the part nicely.”
- Jane Holahan, LancasterOnline

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